Kodinhi – Kerala’s village of twins

Kodinhi – Kerala’s village of twins By any metric, conceiving twins and triplets is a rare natural occurrence around the world. In fact, on average only 16 out of 1,000 successful pregnancies in the world result in twins and this average is even lower in India at just 9. However, this ratio is heavily skewed in the sleepy hamlet of Kodinhi in Kerala , which has a record 400 pairs of twins in a population of just over 2,000 families! Geneticists and scientists have long tried to explain this rare phenomenon but are only now making some headway. While experts have pointed to genetics as an obvious factor, what’s even more mysterious is that irrespective of religion, lineage or their original heritage, all families living in the village have conceived more than the average pairs of twins over the last few generations, and the number is consistently growing.

The Mass Disappearance of Children from National Parks

The Mass Disappearance of Children from National Parks
The Mass Disappearance of Chil... is listed (or ranked) 1 on the list Mysterious True Stories Too Freaky For Mulder And Scully
Over the past 100 years, more than 1100 people have disappeared without a trace from national parks across the US. Most of these disappearances have been those of children younger than 10. This is especially insane considering that these children have vanished on federal land, which is known for being closely watched by law enforcement.  

You would think that such a high number of disappearances would have left angry loved ones behind looking for answers, and led to some sort of public outcry, but instead, the issue is not widely known. This is, perhaps, because getting accurate statistics is incredibly difficult, meaning that it is impossible to know exactly how many children have vanished.
When author David Paulides asked for a record of missing persons from different national parks, he was told that they don't keep those records. Later he was told if he wanted those records, it would cost him over $1 million. What exactly is being covered up here, besides awesome X-Files episode material?

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